
smartPIMS 2.0 Cellular system is equipped with an onboard battery and an LTE-M/Cat M1 cellular modem for data transfer to the internet via cellular data connectivity. The system can be programmed to obtain thickness values at user defined time intervals and transmit data to SNI webPIMS backend application for databasing, trending, and analysis.

Datalogger is equipped with an onboard battery and system memory enabling the storage of up to 3,000 thickness readings. The system can be programmed to obtain data on a user-defined schedule and store all the data onboard. Users connect to the unit via DIU adapter and table/PC using dataPIMS software. Data is downloaded and available in XML or CSV (Excel) file format or uploaded to SNI webPIMS backend software for databasing, trending, and analysis.

Modbus system connects directly to a PC or laptop to take on-demand thickness readings, store them on the local PC in SNI dataPIMS software and optionally upload to SNI webPIMS backend application for databasing, trending, and analysis.
The system can also be wired directly into a SCADA/DCS system for polling at any user-defined schedule. New data can be read via standard Modbus commands and displayed on local consoles or ported to company backend management systems.
- Connects via Modbus (RS-485) to table/PC or SCADA/DCS
- dataPIMS software outputs data to XML or CSV file, or can be uploaded to webPIMS
- Maintains 1 mil (0.001″ /0.025mm) precision for minimum wall thickness of 0.040″ (1mm) for duals and 0.125″ (3.2mm) for delay-line
- Ability to hardwire directly into a plant/facilities control system